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The Holiday Season

Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates lately.  December is a pretty hectic time, and a pretty dead one all the same.  Working and running around doing errands for Christmas is pretty daunting, and simultaneously there just isn’t a lot of business to be done in these months.  So, of course, photography news is pretty scarce.  I do have a wedding this weekend for Jordan Stowe and Ashley Halton.  Jordan’s a local VW guy (as am I), so there’s already a plus.  It’s supposed to snow this weekend, so hopefully we’ll be able to get some sweet snowy, wintry photos.  :)

In other news, apparently one of the grooms I photographed in October of ’08 (Kevin Eisert) has been picked by the Indianapolis Colts as an Anthem Angel!  He’s been awarded four VIP tickets to the Colts-Jets game on December 27.  He will also be featured in the gameday magazine, on the big screen at the game, and on the Colts website!  Congrats Kevin!  I coincidentally happen to be attending that game, so look for some photos (hopefully) of that, and also be on the lookout for this photo I shot on the magazine and possibly at the game!


Anyways, if I don’t post again before Christmas, I just want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season!  I hope you all get to enjoy the company of your friends and family!


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