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Indiana University Kelley School of Business “Transform” Campaign

Jim Plew - Finance/Economics

This week at the Kelley School of Business, I’ve been doing shots for a new campaign Kelley will be showcasing in the near future.  First, one lucky photo will be selected to be printed on one of the overhead walkways that adorn IUPUI’s campus.

Example of a walkway ad at IUPUI (Credit: Office of Comm. & Mktg - IUPUI)

An alternate feature that these photos will be used for is Kelley’s “Transform” campaign this fall, which will showcase current students/recent grads and have their personalized example of how Kelley has transformed their lives.  Hopefully, the photos I’ve shot this week will have a positive impact on the marketing end of things (I’m no marketing major, so I’ll leave that to the experts to figure out), and Kelley will be able to have some growth in enrollment.  Shameless plug:  I say this as a current Kelley student, knowing personally that the education here is top-notch, and post-graduate job success seems to be quite the norm.

Anyways, I’ll let the photos speak for themselves.  As always, please leave a comment at the end and let me know what y’all think!

Jim Plew - Finance/Economics

Eduardo Nieto

Eduardo Nieto

Heather Kent - Marketing

Heather Kent - Marketing

Alex Phillip

Alex Phillip

There were some serious storm clouds that rolled in at about 3:30 PM, so we ended up moving our shoot into the Campus Center for the rest of the day.

Robert Slack

Robert Slack



Caylee Willett - Management c/o 2009

Caylee Willett - Management c/o 2009

Caylee - Jon, your photography is out of this world! My favorite for the campaign would have to be the first picture of Eduardo…the background, his stance, everything is perfect.

Jessica - These photos are excellent! I can’t wait to see them in some new advertising for Kelley Indianapolis!

Jon - Jessica,

Thanks! The “tube” graphic should be up sometime around the beginning of the new semester, and I’d assume the rest of the campaign (look for the photos on the tv’s on the 2nd floor) will begin around that time as well.


barb - Jon—
Wow, again, and always!
These photos are wonderful, and IUPUI/Kelley should be very proud of them.
The first photos of Jim, Eduardo, and Heather are superb! Are you sure that they aren’t professional models?
Or, maybe you just make everyone look fantastic!!

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