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The Bahamas – Day 4

No boring case of the Mondays today. The day started off with the usual morning jog around the beach. Seriously, if I had a tropical beach in my backyard, I would be in much, much better shape. Until today, it’s just been a lot of exploring and walking around discovering what Nassau has to offer. Not anymore, as today had a lot of fun activities in store for me.

The “workday” began by meeting up with our group to gather up at the dock to meet with “Big Al.” We then headed out to a small island known as Discovery Island, which is just a hop, skip, and a jump away from the condo.

Boat ride to Discovery Island

As we came up on the island, we noticed a large ship that had run aground in the reefs just west of the island. Apparently, the ship that we saw was a cargo boat carrying a large variety of clothes, and on Christmas Day, it ran aground, split in half and spewed all of its colorful cargo across the western rocks of the island.

(left) The piles of clothes and the ship in the background. (right) If only I could find the other half.

Looking back at the beach that the condo is on.


The next fun activity for the day involved playing with stingrays. Yes, a stingray is what killed Steve Irwin, The Crocodile Hunter. No worries, though, my heart is taken and I don’t plan on giving to a pissed off stingray. Also, the stingrays have their barbs removed so that’s definitely a plus. In case you haven’t touched a stingray, they’re a weird texture on top, and a totally different texture on bottom. They’re also pretty friendly, so no worries about trying to chase the not-so-little suckers down.

His cousin is a croc-hunter murderer. He told me.

Feeding time.

The plan after the stingray pool was to go snorkeling, but the waters proved to be too choppy at the site, so that has been rescheduled. Instead, I decided to take a swim in the ocean and catch some sun…which my bright red skin now regrets doing. Ooops.

I promise, this isn't a postcard I stole from the airport.

Ah, this is the life!

Until tomorrow!



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