Today, I had the pleasure of getting to shoot Brian Scott and Cassy Egley’s engagement portraits. I’ve known Brian and Cassy a long time now, both before and during their relationship, and it elates me to be able to see them tie the knot on September 25. I had a great time taking their photos, and I can’t wait to capture even more moments during their wedding!
Yesterday, I tried my hand at hosting a photography workshop for anyone who was willing to drop in and make a small donation to the Boys & Girls Club. I didn’t really get the turnout I was expecting (4 total, but then again, I should probably try to give at least a week’s notice….oops), but for those that did show up, I really feel like we got through a lot of down and dirty on photography, and I really feel like they were able to take a good amount of information home with them. Anyways, I have a couple photos after the break (I was too busy teaching to shoot much), and also a few extra fun ones taken from after the workshop!
Much thanks to the participants:
Greg (who was as much a helper as a student haha)
And much much thanks to Caity Sams for putting up with our obnoxiousness.

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted a POTD. But here’s one I took today from the steps of the Kelley School of Business at IUPUI in downtown Indy. Gorgeous (although windy) day. Also, if you haven’t done so, please read the previous blog post and sign up for this weekends photography workshop. It’s only $10 and it all goes to The Boys & Girls Club of Indianapolis!

After much inquiry, I will be hosting a photography workshop this Saturday, April 10 (late notice, I know). You are welcome to come and learn some of the basic, and not-so-basic skills of taking better photos. Additionally, all of the proceeds will be donated to the Boys & Girls Club of Indianapolis. So not only will you be getting a great educational experience, you will be helping support the youth of our community.
The Saturday afternoon program will consist of two sessions. The first session will be geared toward beginners (those of you who have never taken your camera off of “P” or “AUTO” should come for this one) and begin at 2:00 P.M. It will address some of the basic settings on your camera, and the class will also teach you how to compose, frame, and light your subjects to create the most flattering photo possible. We will discuss things such as ISO, aperture, and shutter speed, and explain how to use them to your advantage. You will be surprised at the great photos that you can create with a simple point & shoot camera!
The second session, which starts at 4:00 P.M. will be geared toward those who already understand the basics of photography, and want to work on the nitty gritty that will help set you apart from the crowd. This class will focus on topics such as posing, advanced shutter/aperture techniques, shooting in various lighting situations, and properly using a flash or studio strobe. For this class, I hope to have a model available for us to have a subject to photograph.
Please RSVP via Facebook (seems like the easy way to do things) through the link below. I just want to gauge how many people I should expect.
Each session is only $10, and I guarantee you will have a long-lasting improvement in your photography skills after this weekend. Please contact me if you have any questions. I hope to see you all this Saturday!
-Jon Brewer

Late on Sunday nights, when I should really be focusing on important things like getting ready for all the things in the week ahead, I usually come up with my silly ideas for this blog. Tonight is no different. For all of you budding photogs out there, this is my dedication to you. I’m going to start providing images posted up next to a diagram of the lighting setup used for said image. This should help you understand how the lights work and how you can achieve similar results. If you want to know any more details about the diagrams, please leave your question in the comments section, and I’ll make sure to get an answer to you ASAP.
As for tonight, I needed a new self-portrait to use for the blog I’ll have for IUPUI’s website, as well as for Twitter and Facebook. I wanted something uncluttered, professional, and very business-like.
I tried a couple different approaches, but this is what I ended up with. I used a large octabox (diffused and gridded, even though it doesn’t show that) as my main light, about 7-8 feet up and to camera right. Directly to my right (camera left) was a strobe set at low power and low to the ground pointing up for some hightlight work. Finally, I hand held a large white reflector at chest level to bring to catch light into the scene and highlight my boring, dull, brown eyes. And believe it or not, the background is actually white. I still wonder why people use white, gray, and black backdrops when you can get all three with just creative lighting. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy these tutorials. I’ll definitely bring some more if I get a warm response.
I really like these types of blog posts from any photographer. It really helps to see how others are using/abusing 3 point lighting. This is great especially using only 2 lights. Is that an HMI softbox? If so/not what manufacturer/model is it?
Yeah, I was gonna go 3-light, but the bulb burned out in my third. Had to resort to some creativity, haha. As for the softbox, it’s from Paul C. Buff, aka AlienBees/WhiteLightning. ( Good, inexpensive gear. The lights are Alien Bees (1xB1600, 2xB400 with out out of commission right now).
[…] Lighting Diagrams | Jon Brewer Photography […]
Thanks for the great info!
Yes, I think we would all love more light diagrams =]
[…] Jon Brewer […]

Jesse - Jon these photos are amazing! I love the black and white at the train station.
Brian & Cassy Scott | Jon Brewer Photography - […] Sunday, September 26th, 2010 | Photography, Weddings | Jon Brewer As you may have read from the blog post on their engagement pictures, I’ve been friends with Brian and Cassy for a long time now, […]