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An Exciting Road Ahead – 2010

The past year has been an especially exciting one for me and for Jon Brewer Photography.  I am wrapping up my first full calendar year of business on my own, and I am quite surprised at the tremendous pace JBP has grown.  I’ve had the pleasure of capturing the merger of the Kaufmann and Snodgress families, the Smiths and Cox’s, the Farris’s and Sanders’, and the Stowe and Haltom families.  I can’t wait to see your families years down the road, still filled with the love that I was able to capture on you first day as husbands and wives.

I’ve also had the pleasure of capturing the transformation of high school seniors into adulthood.  It’s been a great experience this fall hearing from them about the ups and downs of freshman year of college and being reminded of my own experiences then.  To Lacey Collip, Lindsay Hawkinson, Lindsay Kunkle, and Marybeth McShea, I wish you all the best in your years ahead at your respective schools.  They are some of the best years of your life, so make the most of it.

And finally, to the models I’ve worked with in the past year that have helped me build on my favorite portion of my portfolio, fashion photography, thank you so very much.  You are all stunning, professional, and an absolute pleasure to work with, and I look forward to working with you again soon.

With that said, I also have a lot of exciting plans for 2010.  Ryan Backs and Christine Farris, Adam Waite and Carla Vaughan are both weddings that I have close personal ties with that I am very excited to see and capture (both in June!).  Not to mention, I’ll also have the opportunity to photograph the wedding of longtime friends, Brian Scott and Cassy Egley, in September.  I will also be taking a week-long excursion to south Texas in March with nothing but photography on my mind.  Expect to see some great photos from that.

2010 proves to be an exciting year for Jon Brewer Photography.  I look forward to all that is to come, and I hope you are just excited as I am for some amazing photos!


The Holiday Season

Hey guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates lately.  December is a pretty hectic time, and a pretty dead one all the same.  Working and running around doing errands for Christmas is pretty daunting, and simultaneously there just isn’t a lot of business to be done in these months.  So, of course, photography news is pretty scarce.  I do have a wedding this weekend for Jordan Stowe and Ashley Halton.  Jordan’s a local VW guy (as am I), so there’s already a plus.  It’s supposed to snow this weekend, so hopefully we’ll be able to get some sweet snowy, wintry photos.  :)

In other news, apparently one of the grooms I photographed in October of ’08 (Kevin Eisert) has been picked by the Indianapolis Colts as an Anthem Angel!  He’s been awarded four VIP tickets to the Colts-Jets game on December 27.  He will also be featured in the gameday magazine, on the big screen at the game, and on the Colts website!  Congrats Kevin!  I coincidentally happen to be attending that game, so look for some photos (hopefully) of that, and also be on the lookout for this photo I shot on the magazine and possibly at the game!


Anyways, if I don’t post again before Christmas, I just want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season!  I hope you all get to enjoy the company of your friends and family!
